Discovery Journal

Iridescence: Why a Ruby Throat Sometimes Looks Black

Posted Vonda on Aug. 3, 2020

The male Ruby-throated Hummingbird is known for his brilliant red gorget. But sometimes, that gorget is less brilliant and more black than red, to the point that they could almost be mistaken for a Black-chinned Hummingbird if it were not for the range.

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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Female

New Feature: Images of the Day

Posted Vonda on July 29, 2020

I am pleased to announce that I have added a new feature to Native Suburbia: The Images of the Day. All images are now indexed by shot date in the Images of the Day Index, accessible from the Gallery menu.

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Royal Catchfly: Hummingbird Favorite

Posted Vonda on July 25, 2020

This year we added the native plant Royal Catchfly to our gardens and it is rapidly becoming one of my favorites.

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Eastern Amberwings at the Pond

Posted Vonda on July 25, 2020

Eastern Amberwings are everywhere at the pond right now, posing on seeding grassheads and hovering in flight over the water.

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New Species Sighting: Great Spreadwing

Posted Vonda on July 24, 2020

Tonight a new species of damselfly was spotted in our backyard gardens. This one is a Great Spreadwing.

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Birds in the Pond Habitat

Posted Vonda on July 23, 2020

The pond has proven to be a great area for birdwatching during the spring migration. However, there are a good number of year-round residents that can be seen regularly during the rest of the year. The following are a few species seen in the last two days.

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Yellow Bumble Bee Visiting Great Blue Lobelia

Posted Vonda on July 22, 2020

Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal Flower) is not the only lobelia seeing pollinator action in the gardens right now. Lobelia syphilitica (Great Blue Lobelia, sometimes referred to as Blue Cardinal Flower), is a bee favorite.

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Monarch Resting on Cardinal Flower

Posted Vonda on July 21, 2020

While the cardinal flower is a favorite of the hummingbirds, this monarch was not interested in its nectar. However, it sure made a pretty resting spot when a tired male needs to take a break from patrolling his territory.

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird Finds the Cardinal Flower

Posted Vonda on July 21, 2020

While the gardens contain many plants that are attractive to the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the striking red blossoms of the Cardinal Flower are an irresistible draw.

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The Dragonfly Festival Continues

Posted Vonda on July 20, 2020

More dragonflies today at the pond and creek - some of the same seen on Saturday and some new ones to share. They sure do love a sunny day. This time, I had the telephoto lens to capture the dragonflies perched further away.

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