Crabtree Nature Center

Location Spotlight

The Arrival of Fall: At Crabtree Nature Center

Because dogs aren't allowed at the nature centers (for very good reasons), I don't bird here as often as I would like. However, the habitat at this center run by the Cook County Forest Preserves is spectacular and I am going to try to visit more often.

Location Visits: Crabtree Nature Center

Days Visited: 41

A location visit is considered any date with at least one species photo taken on that date

Species Counts for Crabtree Nature Center

Species counts are tabulated by determining the number of species tagged in photos from this location.

Click on the Species Category to view the list of species photographed at this location.
Click on the Species Name to view photos of that species taken at this location

Wildlife Species Counts:

Birds: 102 Species

Plant Species Counts: