Discovery Journal Topics

Topic: Lobelia Cardinalis

Cardinal Flower

First Bloom Date: Cardinal Flower

Posted Vonda on July 15, 2020

Cardinal Flower is now blooming in the backyard gardens.
First Bloom Date This Year: 7/15/2020

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Ruby-throated Hummingbird Finds the Cardinal Flower

Posted Vonda on July 21, 2020

While the gardens contain many plants that are attractive to the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the striking red blossoms of the Cardinal Flower are an irresistible draw.

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Monarch Resting on Cardinal Flower

Posted Vonda on July 21, 2020

While the cardinal flower is a favorite of the hummingbirds, this monarch was not interested in its nectar. However, it sure made a pretty resting spot when a tired male needs to take a break from patrolling his territory.

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