New Species Sighting: Great Spreadwing

Posted by Vonda on July 24, 2020

Tonight a new species of damselfly was spotted in our backyard gardens. This one is a Great Spreadwing.

Great Spreadwing: Immature male perched on Golden Alexander in the backyard gardens

He is an immature male, immature because the eyes are still brown and not blue, male because of the pale abdomen tip and male appendages. The Great Spreadwing is the largest damselfly species in North America. He was so large that at first glance, I thought he was a dragonfly, until I got a good look at the body and head shape.

Great Spreadwing: Immature male perched on New England Aster in the backyard garden

Great Spreadwing: Immature male in the backyard

Great Spreadwing: Immature male perched on New England Aster in the backyard garden