How to Distinguish an American Tree Sparrow from an Immature White-crowned Sparrow

Posted by Vonda on Jan. 12, 2021

Two species that occasionally are confused on bird watching groups are the American Tree Sparrow and the immature plumage of the White-crowned Sparrow. The two birds are easily confused because of a similar rusty-colored head patch and a similar, but not identical eye-stripe.

American Tree Sparrow. Note the black upper beak and yellow lower beak. Also note the rusty colored eye stripe.

The American Tree Sparrow can be readily identified by its beak. Note the black upper beak and the yellow lower beak. The American Tree Sparrow also has a thicker eye stripe than an immature White-crowned Sparrow, and the eye stripe is a rusty color matching the head patch.

Immature White-crowned Sparrow. Note the pink beak and the very thin black/dark gray eyestripe.

By comparison, the immature White-crowned Sparrow has a noticeably pink beak and a thinner dark brown eye stripe. By using those two characteristics as a guide, you are unlikely to confuse these two similar species in the future.