Butterflies, Butterflies, and More Butterflies
Posted by Vonda on July 13, 2020
Butterfly activity is up lately. Here are some of the visitors I have been seeing in the backyard and at the pond a few blocks away.
Images in this Post
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on Coneflower in the Backyard
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Seeking Nectar from Swamp Milkweed
Eastern Black Swallowtail
Female Eastern Black Swallowtail on Purple Coneflower
Wild Bergamot with Eastern Black Swallowtail
A Patch of Wild Bergamot in the Rain Garden Attracts a Female Eastern Black Swallowtail
Monarch on Sullivant's Milkweed
Male Monarch Nectars at Sullivant's Milkweed in the Backyard Garden
Monarch on Wild Bergamot
Monarch Seeks Nectar from Wild Bergamot in Backyard Garden
Cabbage White
Cabbage White Female on Blue Vervain at the Pond
Summer Azure
Summer Azure on a Paving Stone in the Backyard Gardens
Red Admiral on Purple Coneflower
Red Admiral Butterfly Nectaring on Purple Coneflower